生物医学工程学 工学博士, 副研究员
2008.09 - 2013.06 重庆大学 生物工程学院 生物医学工程学 工学博士;
2009.09 - 2012.03 美国 University of Delaware 机械系生物医学中心 公派联合培养博士研究生;
2005.09 - 2008.09 重庆大学 生物工程学院 细胞生物学 理学硕士;
1999.09 - 2003.06 西南师范大学(现西南大学)生命科学学院 制药工程 大学本科。
1)硬骨抑素通过非骨重建过程直接影响2型糖尿病并发骨脆性的生物力学机制研究 (KJQN202000421)
2) 自噬基因Beclin 1 缺失对小鼠骨微环境的结构和力学性能的影响(KJQN201900418)
3)骨细胞直接参与并促进弥散性微损伤的结构和力学性能修复的研究(NSFC 11602046)
4)骨细胞通过自分泌DMP1直接参与弥散性微损伤的结构和力学性能自修复 (cstc2017jcyjAX0445)
1) Hou R, Zou Z, Zhang J, Wen C, Li L, Hong Y, Xin J, Wang B*, Zhang B*. Novel osteogenic growth peptide C-terminal pentapeptide grafted poly(D, L‑lactic acid) improves the proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts: The potential bone regenerative biomaterial. Int J Biol Macromol. 2018; 119:874-881.
2) Zhang B, Hou R, Zou Z, Luo T, Zhang Y, Wang L, Wang B*. Mechanically induced autophagy is associated with ATP metabolism and cellular viability in osteocytes in vitro. Redox biology. 2018; 14:492-498.
3) Wang B, Zhang J, Chen C, Xu G, Qin X, Hong Y, Bose DD, Qiu F, Zou Z. The size of zinc oxide nanoparticles controls its toxicity through impairing autophagic flux in A549 lung epithelial cells. Toxicology letters. 2018; 285:51-59.
4) Wang B*, Sun X, Akkus O, Wang L*. Elevated solute transport at sites of diffuse matrix damage in cortical bone: Implications on bone repair. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 2018, 36(2):692-698.
5) Zhang J, Zou Z, Wang B, Xu G, Wu Q, Zhang Y, Yuan Z, Yang X, Yu C. Lysosomal deposition of copper oxide nanoparticles triggers HUVEC cells death. Biomaterials. 2018; 161:228-239.
6) Cheng Y#, Wang D#, Wang B#, Li H, Xiong J, Xu S, Chen Q, Tao K, Yang X, Zhu Y, He S. HMGB1 translocation and release mediate cigarette smoke-induced pulmonary inflammation in mice through a TLR4/MyD88-dependent signaling pathway. Molecular biology of the cell. 2017; 28(1):201-209.
7) Zhang J, Qin X, Wang B, Xu G, Qin Z, Wang J, Wu L, Ju X, Bose DD, Qiu F, Zhou H, Zou Z. Zinc oxide nanoparticles harness autophagy to induce cell death in lung epithelial cells. Cell death & disease. 2017; 8(7):e2954.
8) Wang B, Lai X, Price C, Thompson WR, Li W, Quabili TR, Tseng WJ, Liu XS, Zhang H, Pan J, Kirn-Safran CB, Farach-Carson MC, Wang L. Perlecan-containing pericellular matrix regulates solute transport and mechanosensing within the osteocyte lacunar-canalicular system. Journal of bone and mineral research. 2014; 29(4):878-91.
10) Wang B, Zhou X, Price C, Li W, Pan J, Wang L. Quantifying load-induced solute transport and solute-matrix interaction within the osteocyte lacunar-canalicular system. Journal of bone and mineral research. 2013; 28(5):1075-86.
11) Pan J*, Wang B, Li W, Scherr T, Yang T, Price C, Wang L. Elevated cross--‐talk between subchondral bone and cartilage in osteoarthritic joints. Bone. 2012, 51(2):212-7.
12) Wang B, Jiang W, Yan H, Zhang X, Yang L, Deng L, Singh GK, Pan J. Novel PEG-graft-PLA nanoparticles with the potential for encapsulation and controlled release of hydrophobic and hydrophilic medications in aqueous medium. International journal of nanomedicine. 2011; 6:1443-51.
13) Wang B, Pan J*, Liu Y, Mi L, Zhang TX. Preparation and Properties of Nanoparticles Self-assembled by Polyethylene Glycol-graft-poly(lactic acid). Acta Chimica Sinica 2008, 66(4) 487-491
Note: * corresponding author, # Co-first author.
2013 Webster Jee Young Investigator Award at 2013 ICHTS-ORS meeting (San Antonio, Texas, USA)
邮箱: bwang@cqmu.edu.cn
加入时间: 25.08.2014 - 至今