Gang Feng, Ph.D
Professor supported by Hundred Young Talents Plan at Chongqing University (School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering)
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Dr. Gang Feng obtained his Ph.D in physical chemistry at University of Bologna (Italy) in 2013. He served as the assistant research professor in the State Key Laboratory of Molecular Dynamics at Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences from June 2013 to august 2015. Since September 2015, Dr. Feng was selected by Hundred Young Talents Plan at Chongqing University as a professor. He launched the high resolution microwave spectroscopy investigations at Chongqing University, China. His research interest is focused on the investigation of molecular structure and dynamics, including the non-covalent interactions between molecular systems using high resolution rotational spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculation. He has published more than 60 academic publications in peer-reviewed journals.
加入时间: 01.09.2015 - 至今