2007.09~2011.07 合肥工业大学 生物工程 工学学士
2011.09~2016.12 中国科学技术大学 生态学 理学博士
2014.01~2016.12 中国科学院生态环境研究中心 生态学 理学博士
2017.01~2019.06 中国科学院生态环境研究中心 环境科学 博士后
2019.06~至今 中国林业科学研究院 亚热带林业研究所
1. Y Yang, A Zhan, L Cao*, F Meng, W Xu. 2016. Selection of a marker gene to construct a reference library for wetland plants, and the application of metabarcoding to analyze the diet of wintering herbivorous waterbirds. PeerJ, 4: e2345.IF5y= 2.469.
2. Y Yang, Y Deng, L Cao*. 2016. Characterizing the interspecific variations and convergence of gut microbiota in Anseriformes herbivores at wintering areas. Scientific Reports,6:32665.IF5y= 4.609.
3. Yang Y, P Ni, Y Gao, W Xiong, Y Zhao, A Zhan*. 2018. Geographical distribution of zooplankton biodiversity in highly polluted running water ecosystems: validation of fine-scale species sorting hypothesis. Ecology and Evolution.IF5y= 2.788.
4. Y Yang, Y Gao, X Huang, P Ni, Y Wu, Y Deng, A Zhan*. 2018. Adaptive shifts of microbial communities and reduced microbial interactions along a nitrogen gradient in highly polluted running water ecosystems. Environmental Pollution (minor revision). IF5y= 5.291.
5. Y Yang, S Li, Y Gao, Y Chen, A Zhan*. 2018. Environment-driven geographical distribution of bacterial communities and identification of indicator taxa in Songhua River. Ecological Indicators (minor revision). IF5y=4.391.
6. A Zhan, P Ni, W Xiong, Y Chen, Y Lin, X Huang, Y Yang, Y Gao. 2017. Biological invasions in aquatic ecosystems in China, in book: Biological Invasions and Its Management in China. Springer.
7. W Xiong, Y Yang, A Zhan*. 2018. Reliability of simplifying strategies for rapid biodiversity assessment in studying community-environment interactions. Ecological Indicators, 85: 861-868.IF5y= 4.391.
8. W Xiong, J Li, Y Yang, W Wang, B Shan, A Zhan*. 2018. An integrated ecological survey of rotifer communities and corresponding environmental variables in the highly polluted Haihe River Basin, China. Data in Brief (of Ecological Indicators).
9. Y Wu, Y Yang, L Cao, H Yin, M Xu, Z Wang, Y Liu, X Wang, Y Deng*. 2018. Habitat environments impacted the gut microbiome of long-distance migratory swan geese but central species conserved. Scientific Reports,8:13314. IF5y=4.609.
10. Y Yang, Y Gao, Y Chen, S Li, A Zhan*. 2018. The abiotic and biotic determinants of community structure in a floodplain wetland plankton interactome. Diversity and Distributions. I5y= 4.777 (Expected submission date: 1stNovember 2018).
11. Y Yang, X Huang, Y Gao, P Ni, Y Zhao, S Li, Y Wu, Y Deng, A Zhan*. 2018. Nutrient enrichment strongly diverges the seasonality of bacterioplankton community in a highly disturbed river. Microbiome. IF5y= 10.903 (Expected submission date: 1stFebruary 2019).
2014,第 16 届国际雁类专家组会议,北京;职责:协助 和 服务会议组织;
2016,冷泉港(亚洲 )微生物与环境会议,苏州;口头报告, 题目: Characterize the gut microbiota of wintering herbivorous geese;
2017,第 14 届国际厌氧大会,北京;职责:协助和服务会议组织;
2018, 第34届国际湖沼学大会,南京;口头报告, 题目: Adaptive shifts of bacterioplankton and reduced microbial interactions along a nitrogen gradient in highly polluted river ecosystems.
2014.01~ 201 7.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,三种食草雁类越冬地食物生态位分化机制研究;职责: 负责雁类食性分析方法的建立以及食性组成的比较分析,并撰写和发表相关论文;
2015.04 ~ 2019.12 国家科技支撑项目,水产养殖与环境治理技术研究与示范—湖泊渔业及其水环境调控技术研究与示范—湖泊渔业承载力调控与环保渔业技术研究;职责:全权负责实验设计、数据处理以及报告撰写;
2015 .01 ~ 201 8.12 水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项,松花江典型水生生物类群退化机制研究;职责:负责松花江浮游微生物类群退化机制研究,包括实验设计及样品采集、数据分析、文章撰写;
2016.07 ~ 2020.12 ,国家重点研发计划“典型脆弱生态修复与保护研究”重点专项,子课题“迁徙水鸟淡水湿地栖息地退化监测与评估研究”;职责:构建以微小型浮游生物为主体的湿地退化监测与评估体系,负责相关实验设计、样品采集、数据分析、文章撰写,以及项目报告撰写。
为 Biological Invasion, Journal of Lake Science (湖泊科学)等国际国内期刊审稿 。
国家自然科学基金青年基金,多组学技术联合解析河流微生物群落对氮添加的响应,2019.01 ~ 2020.12, 24 万元。
邮箱: yyzhan@mail.ustc.edu.cn
加入时间: 03.06.2019 - 至今