array(1) { ["lab"]=> string(2) "22" } Biophotonics Lab | 新闻 | Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology | LabXing
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APRI-GIST Proprosal Funded - 2011.12.27


APRI-GIST proposal titled as "Early prediction of breast cancer chemotherapeutic effects by using a Raman spectroscopy and a near-infared spectroscopy" was accepted for a funding.

Lab Name Changed - 2011.12.10


Changed name from TOMA Lab to Biophotonics Lab.

Prof. Kim Invited to Talk - 2011.11.28-30


Prof. Kim gave an invited talk at Optical Society of Japan meeting held in Osaka.

Lab Plan - 2011.04


Songhyun measured the size of our lab and I started to plan how to set up our lab.

Lab Blueprint

First Student Joined


Songhyun joined TOMA Lab as the first graduate student.

1st day of Lab


1st day of Translational Optics for Medical Applications (TOMA) Lab at GIST