
简介 主要研究方向:环境、营养暴露与健康,生命早期发育、环境卫生毒理、分析化学、代谢组学


       实验室主要研究方向为:环境、营养暴露机制与健康效应,围绕临床分析化学与代谢:营养与流行病学、环境卫生毒理、食品化学、分析化学、代谢组学、环境暴露等展开研究。黄以超教授曾参与多项国家、省部级项目,并获“广东省博士后人才引进计划”海外青年博士后人才项目等,累计在Environ Sci Technol, Environ Int, Sci Total Environ, J Agr Food Chem, Food Control等国内、国际期刊发表论文23篇,其中第一作者(含共一)及通讯作者SCI论文12篇,Top论文8篇,以第一完成人申请国家发明专利2项。目前任多个环境健康权威期刊J Hazard Mater, Environ Int, Environ Pollut, Chemosphere, Food Chem: Mol Sci等杂志审稿人。环境暴露与健康实验室依托环境毒理学安徽高校省级重点实验室。

       欢迎有志从事上述暴露与健康研究方向的同行或学生加盟!Email: yichao.huang@ahmu.edu.cn

The main research directions of the laboratory : environmental and nutritional exposure mechanisms and health effects, and research is carried out around clinical analytical chemistry and metabolism: nutrition and epidemiology, environmental hygiene toxicology, food chemistry, analytical chemistry, metabolomics, environmental exposure, etc. As a clinical chemist, Yichao is committed to understanding the association and mechanisms underlying environmental/nutritional exposure (i.e. the exposome) and health effects, particularly towards during early developmental stage and long-term effect. Yichao is also a recipient of grants from a range of government funding agencies totalling 2.3 million RMB. Yichao is also an invited reviewer for many high-quality journals including J Hazard Mater, Environ Int, Environ Pollut, Chemosphere, Food Chem: Mol Sci. Dr. HUANG’s team welcomes national and international collaborations on a wide range of research areas in all possible forms.

      welcome to join us!    Email: yichao.huang@ahmu.edu.cn
