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#Y. Wang

Shock wave and flame front induced detonation in rapid compression machine

Chemical Kinetics in Shock and Detonation Wave , 清华大学

The Impact of Ice Formation on Wind Turbine Performance and Aerodynamics

先进燃烧实验室 (www.lac-wut.com) , 武汉理工大学

Is the energy generation rate of nuclear reactions in hot accretion flows important?

黑洞吸积与高能天体物理研究组 , 中国科学院

Shock wave and flame front induced detonation in a rapid compression machine

Chemical Kinetics in Shock and Detonation Wave , 清华大学

ZnO nanowire-based all-optical switch with Reset-Set flip-flop function

师文生 课题组 , 中国科学院理化技术研究所