#P.a. Boettcher

The effect of heating rates on low temperature hexane air combustion

Chemical Kinetics in Shock and Detonation Wave , 清华大学

Low temperature oxidation of n-hexane in a flow reactor

Chemical Kinetics in Shock and Detonation Wave , 清华大学

Absorption cross section at 3.39μm of alkanes, aromatics and substituted hydrocarbons

Chemical Kinetics in Shock and Detonation Wave , 清华大学

Two-dimensional numerical simulation of the transition between slow reaction and ignition

Chemical Kinetics in Shock and Detonation Wave , 清华大学

Thermal ignition - one-step modeling of the transition from slow reactions to ignition

Chemical Kinetics in Shock and Detonation Wave , 清华大学

Low temperature oxidation of n-hexane in a flow reactor

Chemical Kinetics in Shock and Detonation Wave , 清华大学

Laminar burning speed of n-hexane-air mixtures

Chemical Kinetics in Shock and Detonation Wave , 清华大学