祝贺实验室与日本东北大学Yusa教授研究室在国际无损检测顶级杂志NDT&E International发表论文。
论文涉及一种新型的电磁无损检测技术,旋转电磁场检测技术,RECT,Rotating Eddy Current Testing Technique。旋转电磁场检测技术的结果可以等效于两个正交摆放的均匀电磁场检测技术探头的结果的叠加,但在焊缝检测等存在几何特性异性的场合,叠加的结果将会引入不需要的噪声。通过作者们的共同努力,本文提出了一种新的旋转电磁场检测技术信号处理方法,该方法可将旋转电磁场检测技术的检测结果变化为特定感应电流方向下的检测结果,在保留旋转电磁场检测技术固有特性的前提下,进一步提高了旋转电磁场检测技术的应用场合。
Transformation of the rotating eddy current testing signal at
the desired eddy current orientation
Jiuhao Ge1,2,3*, Chenkai Yang1, Fanwei Yu3, Noritaka Yusa3
1 Nondestructive Detection and Monitoring Technology for High Speed Transportation Facilities, Key Laboratory
of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
Nanjing, Jiangsu, 211106, China
2 JSPS International Research fellow, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, 6-6-01-2, Aramaki Aza
Aoba, Aoba-Ku, Sendai, Miyagi, 980-8579, Japan
3 Department of Quantum Science and Energy Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University,
6-6-01-2, Aramaki Aza Aoba, Aoba-Ku, Sendai, Miyagi, 980-8579, Japan
Abstract: The results of rotating eddy current testing can be regarded as the results
superposed by uniform eddy current testing in orthogonal directions. However, in the
case of directional nondestructive testing problems, such as weld detection, only the
results from the induced current that is perpendicular to the crack have the greatest
sensitivity. In contrast, the results from other induced current orientations may
experience substantial noise generated by welds. In this work, a brief method is
proposed to transform the results of rotating eddy current testing into the results of
uniform eddy current testing at the desired eddy current orientation. The experiments
indicated a good match between the signal distribution and amplitude of the
transformed results and the results of the uniform eddy current testing. Moreover, the
proposed method was applied for weld detection. The results revealed that the weld
noise significantly decreased and that the locations of slits could be clearly identified.
The results validated that the proposed method can improve the detection ability and
expand the application of the rotating eddy current testing technique.
Keyword: Rotating field; Phase rotation; Decreasing weld noise;