array(2) { ["lab"]=> string(3) "830" ["news"]=> string(3) "421" } 【交流】认知与决策科学方向主要国际期刊介绍 - 认知与决策科学研究中心 | LabXing


简介 致力于推动认知科学、决策科学及其相关领域的基础理论和跨学科研究





  • ABS 4 星
  1. European Journal of Operational Research (3.806)
  • ABS 3 星
  1. Omega (5.341)
  2. International Journal of Production Economics (4.998)
  3. Expert Systems with Applications (4.292)
  4. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making (4.128)
  5. Decision Support Systems (3.848)
  6. International Journal of Production Research (3.199)
  7. OR Spectrum
  8. Computers & Operations Research (3.002)
  9. Journal of the Operational Research Society (1.754)
  10. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (1.6)
  • ABS 2 星
  1. Journal of Cleaner Production (6.395)
  2. Energy Policy (4.88)
  3. Computers & Industrial Engineering (3.518)
  4. 4OR - A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research (2.056)
  5. Group Decision and Negotiation (2.01)
  6. Journal of Business Economics and Management (1.855)
  7. International Journal of Strategic Property Management (1.597)
  8. Expert Systems (1.505)
  9. European Journal of Industrial Engineering (1.217)


  1. Technological and Economic Development of Economy (4.344)
  2. Sustainability (2.592)
  3. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2.468)
  4. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja (1.381)
  5. Quality & Quantity (1.072)
  6. Transformations in Business & Economics (1.058)
  7. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research (0.973)
  8. Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics (0.73)


  • Q1
  1. Information Fusion (10.716)
  2. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (10.387)
  3. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (8.759)
  4. International Journal of Intelligent Systems (7.229)
  5. Resources, Conservation & Recycling (7.044)
  6. Information Sciences (5.524)
  7. Knowledge-Based Systems (5.101)
  8. Applied Soft Computing (4.873)
  9. Nonlinear Dynamics (4.604)
  10. IEEE Access (4.098)
  11. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics (3.844)
  12. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (3.526)
  13. Applied Mathematics and Computation (3.092)
  14. Fuzzy Sets and Systems (2.907)
  15. Applied Mathematical Modelling (2.841)
  16. Complexity (2.591)
  17. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (1.883)
  • Q2
  1. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems (3.085)
  2. Applied Intelligence (2.882)
  3. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making (2.862)
  4. Soft Computing (2.784)
  5. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (2.568)
  6. International Journal of Systems Science (2.469)
  7. International Journal of General Systems (2.259)
  • Q3
  1. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems (2.153)
  2. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (1.982)
  3. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems (1.637)
  4. Kybernetes (1.381)
  5. Mathematical Problems in Engineering (1.179)
  • Q4
  1. International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems (1.286)
  2. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering (1.079)




创建: Jun 21, 2019 | 08:57