Professor Nathan is the founding Director of The University of Adelaide's Centre for Energy Technology and recipient of a Discovery Outstanding Researcher Award from the Australian Research Council. He specialises in research supporting the development of innovative technology in concentrating solar thermal, combustion and gasification technologies, together with their hybrids. His work in optical diagnostics targets advancing understanding of strongly radiating environments of high temperature particle-laden flows, both reacting and non-reacting.
The seminar described both solar thermal particle technologies under development to meet the need for renewable, high temperature processes and the role of soot in heat transfer in such systems. It also described the optical diagnostic research being undertaken at the University of Adelaide and beyond to advance quantitative understanding and the development of predictive models for these strongly radiating flows.
Pro. Gus Nathan
Fabrice Foucher is a professor in the Mechanical Technology Department and researcher at the PRISME Laboratory, Univerity of Orleans, France. He is the head of the Energy, Combustion and Engine group at the PRISME Laboratory and the leader of the Joint Lab with Peugeot-Citroen Company. His research interests include combustin, engines, new combustion modes, fuels and optical diagnostics.
Gasoline Compression Ignition engine based on Partially Premixed Combustion showed potential to match Compression Ignition like efficiency with reduced pollutant emisson. The seminar mainly described air reactivity on the demand for low temperature combustion engine.
Pro. Fabrice Foucher