array(2) { ["lab"]=> string(2) "70" ["news"]=> string(3) "320" } Tsinghua microgravity representatives attended AMS2018 - 微重力多相燃烧实验室 | LabXing


简介 刘有晟老师课题组


Tsinghua microgravity representatives attended AMS2018

Representatives from Tsinghua University (Wenyi Zhang, Prof. Yang Zhang, Prof. Hai Zhang, Prof. Yu Cheng Liu, Xiaoyan Chen, Lei Luo; from left to right) attended the AMS2018 held in Zhuhai, China, Nov. 12-16, 2018. Oral presentations covered the topics of premixed cool flame, droplet cool flame, combustion experiments on the Chinsese Space Station, coal particle combustion in microgravity. Group members Wenyi Zhang, Xiaoyan Chen, Yu Cheng Liu, and Lei Luo are affiliated with Center for Combustion Energy at Tsinghua University.

创建: Nov 29, 2018 | 11:10