array(2) { ["lab"]=> string(2) "70" ["news"]=> string(3) "319" } PhD student Wenyi Zhang received "Best Presentation for Young Scholars" in AMS2018 - 微重力多相燃烧实验室 | LabXing


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PhD student Wenyi Zhang received "Best Presentation for Young Scholars" in AMS2018

In the 2018 Asian Microgravity Symposium, PhD student Wenyi Zhang presented recent numerical modeling results from the Multi-phase Combustion Lab at Tsinghua CCE. Her oral presentation entitled "Numerical Modeling of Low Temperature Ignition and Steady Burning of n-Heptane Droplets Under Microgravity" was awarded as one of the "Best Presentation for Young Scholars".

创建: Nov 29, 2018 | 10:54