array(2) { ["lab"]=> string(3) "544" ["publication"]=> string(5) "13785" } Achieving 256 x 256-Pixel Color Images by Perovskite-Based Photodetectors Coupled with Algorithms - 麦文杰教授实验组 | LabXing


简介 纳米能源转换与存储材料


Achieving 256 x 256-Pixel Color Images by Perovskite-Based Photodetectors Coupled with Algorithms

期刊 Advanced Functional Materials
Perovskites have been found with their exceptional optoelectronic properties that may bring new options to high-performance cameras. However, the best images obtained by perovskite-based photodetectors (PDs) have only 32 x 32 pixels, far below megapixels of camera images. In this study, a perovskite single-PD color imaging prototype coupled with computation algorithms is fabricated, by which images with 256 x 256 pixels, whose quality has prevailed over those obtained by any perovskite-based device so far are obtained. The technology shows its unique advantages by obtaining satisfying photographs, even when the PD is covered with frosted glass/moving smoke or facing a wall instead of the target, in addition to possessing some ability to resist ambient light interference. Moreover, a new Q factor is proposed to evaluate new-material-based PD for the imaging technology and prove its usability by comparing an atomic-layer-deposition (ALD)-Al2O3 optimized CsBi3I10 PD and an unoptimized CsBi3I10 PD. Finally, the material choices are successfully extended to other types of perovskites, including photovoltaic MAPbI(3) PD (structure: Spiro-OMeTAD/MAPbI(3)/SnO2/FTO), ALD-Al2O3 MAPbI(3) PD, and ALD-Al2O3 CsPbBr3 PD. The technology may bring an innovative approach to improve the performance of cameras and extend the application range of advanced functional materials.

  • 卷 31
  • 期 37
  • DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202104320