Scanning Electron microscope (Hitachi JCM-7000)
Catalytic activity evaluation setup 1, equiped with a NO-NO2-NOx analyzer (Thermo, US).
Catalytic activity evaluation setup 2, equiped with a quadrupole mass spectrometer (QGA, Hidden).
Catalytic activity evaluation setup 3, equiped with a Gas Chromatography 7890E with both TCD and FID detectors (GC, Agilent, US)
Catalytic activity evaluation setup 4, equiped with a honeycomb shaped reactor and a MKS Multigas 2030 FTIR contineous gas analyzer (MKS, US)
Catalytic activity evaluation setup 5 for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol.
Catalytic activity evaluation setup 6 for hydrogen production from biomass
Transient kinetic experiment evaluation setup equipped with a quadrupole mass spectrometer (QGA, Hidden) and in-situ FTIR
Thermogravimetric Analysis (Q50, TA Instrument, US)
Thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA, HCT-3, Beijing Hengjiu Instrument, China)
Chemisorption analyzer (PCA-1200, Builder, China)
Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) analyzer (SSA-7000, Builder, China )
Microscale combustion calorimeter (MCC-2)
Electronic balance (XSE 105, Mettler Toledo)
High temperature furnace, up to 1500 oC
Tube furnace, up to 1000 oC
Filtration system
Rotary drying evaporator (EYEL4 N-1300)
Visible spectrophotometer
Electrochemical workstation
Sonicator, 700W.
Forward osmosis (FO) membrane testing system
Ovens for hydrothermal synthesis