Welcome to Professor Qiang Wang's Environmental Functional Nanomaterials (EFN) Laboratory based in the College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Beijing Forestry University. Our research group are particularly interested in the synthesis and design of multifunctional nanomaterials for various environmental applications. If you are interested in knowing more about our research topics or joining our group, please feel free to contact us.
Post-doctoral positions are available!
We accept applications for post-doctoral positions in our group. If you are interested in our research on environmental functional nanomaterials, please send your CV to Professor Qiang Wang by email.
8 December 2020
Professor Qiang Wang delivered a talk entitled "LDH-derived low-temperature NH3-SCR catalysts with improved resistance to SO2 and HCl" in the 26th National Conference on Atmospheric Environmental Science and Technology (online conference) on 8th December 2020.
4 December 2020
Group member Wanlin Gao was awarded the “Presidential Scholarship” of 2020 (50,000 RMB, only 10 awardees in the whole university each year) for her excellence in research performance. Two group members including Cheng Zhang and Shuyu Liang were awarded the “Excellent Graduate”. Three group members including Cheng Zhang, Wanlin Gao and Shuyu Liang were awarded the “Academic Innovation award”. In the 9th Graduate Academic Forum of Beijing Forestry University, Zhe Li won the first prize.
29 November - 1 December 2020
Associate Professor Yanshan Gao and group member Zhe Li attended the 8th Annual Conference of the Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences on the Prevention and Control of Volatile Organic Pollution held in Shaoxin on Nov. 29th. Zhe Li gave an oral talk on "Oxygen vacancy mediated CuyCo3-yFe1Ox mixed oxide as highly active and stable toluene oxidation catalyst by multiple phase interfaces formation and metal doping effect".
17-18 October 2020
Professor Qiang Wang attended the 4th Symposium on Ultra-low Emissions and Green Development in the Steel and Coking Industries in Xijiao Hotel, Beijing. He served as the session chair of "CO2 reduction technologies for the Steel and Coking industriies" and delivered an invited talk of "Intermediate- and high-temperature CO2 capture materials".
10 October 2020
Professor Qiang Wang attended the International Technological Communication and Cooperation Theme Salon of Carbon Capture and Utilization, the 23rd Young Scientist Sharon of the China Science and Technology Summit Series held in Tianjin University and gave a Keynote speech on “Intermediate and high temperature solid CO2 capture materials”.
18-20 September 2020
Professor gave a keynote speech entitled "Intermediate- and High-Temperature Solid CO2 Capture Materials" in the 5th Internation Conference on Advances in Energy and Environment Research (online conference) on 18th September.
26-28 August 2020
Professor Qiang Wang and Assistant Professor Liang Huang attended the 24th Symposium on Air Pollution control technologies in Guangzhou city. Professor Qiang Wang delivered an oral talk entitled "Layered double hydroxides derived low- and intermediate-temperature NH3-SCR catalysts" and co-chaired the session of "Industrial CO2 control technologies". Assistant Professor Liang Huang delivered an oral talk entitled "Study on modification and promotion mechanism of CaO-based high temperature CO2 adsorption materials".
25-28 December 2019
Professor Nicholas Mulei Musyoka from CSIR, South Africa visited our lab and gave an invited talk about the Overview of our research activities at the CSIR and the research in his own research group. In addition, the joint project between two groups was intensively discussed.
18-20 December 2019
Group member Renna Li attended 7th International Conference on Environment Pollution and Prevention (ICEPP 2019) during December 18-20th, 2019 in Melbourne, Australia. She shared her work and delivered an oral presentation entitled “Microporous Zeolite@Vertically Aligned Mg−Al Layered Double Hydroxide Core@Shell Structures with Improved Hydrophobicity and Toluene Adsorption Capacity under Wet Conditions”.
12 December 2019
Group member Renna Li was awarded the “Academic Outstanding Scholarship” due to her excellent performance in both study and research (60,000 RMB for PhD student, only 5 awardees in the whole university each year). Group member Sining Chen was awarded the “National Scholarship” for her excellent performance in both study and research (20,000 RMB for Master student, only 2 awardees in the whole college each year). Group member Wanlin Gao was awarded the “Baosteel Excellent Graduate Scholarship” of 2019 (10,000 RMB, only 2 awardees in the whole university each year) for her excellence in research performance. Four group members including Renna Li, Wanlin Gao, Sining Chen and Shuyu Liang were awarded the “Academic Innovation award”. Group member Wanlin Gao was awarded the “Academic Star of Beijing Forestry University”. In the meantime, Professor Qiang Wang was awarded the “Excellent Supervisor of the Academic Star of Beijing Forestry University”. In the 8th Graduate Academic Forum of Beijing Forestry University, Renna Li was awarded the excellent award.
29 November 2019
Professor A.N. Kannnan and Assistant Professor Kenan Song from Arizona State University visited our lab and gave two talks entitled “Hydrogen generation by photoelectrochemical water splitting using lithium doped bismuth vanadate photoanode” and “Advanced composite materials: the processing-structure-property relationships” to the lab members. And the potential collaborations between three labs have been discussed.
17-19 November 2019
Professor Qiang Wang, Assistant Professor Yanshan Gao and Ph.D candidate Wanglin Gao attended the 25th National Conference on Atmospheric Environmental Science and Technology in Chengdu, China during 17-19 November 2019, and delivered two talks entitled “Pre-combustion CO2 capture materials” and “Molten salt promoted MgO for inter-mediate temperature CO2 capture”. Professor Wang served as the committee member of this conference, and organized and chaired the session of “Industrial CO2 emission control”.
9-11 November 2019
Dr Yuefeng Liu from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), CAS visited our lab during 9-11 November 2019. During his visit, the collaborations between two groups have been discussed.
9-13 November 2019
Mrs Rachel Blessig, director of the International Ralations of University of Strasbourg and Dr Benoit Louis visited our lab. A meeting with Dr. Yu Lin, the deputy director of the International Relationship Office of Beijing Forestry University was set and much more details on the signing of MoU between Universities have been discussed. The collaborations between labs and Universities have been strengthened.
1 November 2019
Professor José A. Odriozola from the Inorganic Chemistry Department, University of Sevilla-CSIC, Spain, and Dr. Tomas Ramirez Reina, Senior Lecture in Department of Chemical & Process Engineering, University of Surrey, UK visited our lab and delivered two talks entitled "Advanced Catalysts for a Low Carbon Future" and "Overruling the size effect of nanocatalysts: the role of the interface" to the group members. And future potential collaborations were discussed in detail.
26 October - 11 November 2019
Assistant Professor Brenda Alcantar-Vazquez from the Materials Research Institute, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico visited our lab for two weeks. During her stay, she discussed with group students, attended our group meeting and delivered a talk entitled "Lithium silicates synthesized from iron and steel slags as high-temperature CO2 adsorbent materials" to the group members. Future potential collaborations were discussed in detail.
17-23 October 2019
Professor Sang-Eon Park from the Department of Chemistry, Inha University visited our lab for one week. He gave a nice talk entitled “CO2 activation & Utilization as soft oxidant for basic olefinic chemicals” and supervised our students. More potential collaborations have also been discussed.
21 October 2019
Professor Qiang Wang attended the 3rd Chinese-Foreign Postgraduate Exchange Forum organized by Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT). He co-chaired the session of “Green Chemical Engineering and New Materials” and delivered a keynote talk entitled “Layered double hydroxides derived low-temperature NH3-SCR catalysts with excellent activity and superior SO2/HCl resistance”.
19-20 October 2019
Professor Qiang Wang attended the 2019 Beijing International Environmental Technology Conference in Beijing, China, 19-20 October 2019. He co-chaired the session of “Forum of young scientists” and gave two invited talks entitled “Layered double hydroxides derived low-temperature NH3-SCR catalysts with excellent activity and superior SO2/HCl resistance” and “Pre-combustion CO2 capture materials”.
18 October 2019
Professor In-Sik Nam from POSTECH, South Korea visit our lab and delivered two nice talks, which are “Urea-SCR technology for removing NOx from diesel Engine” and “How to prepare manuscripts for APCATB in the view of editors and reviewers”. He also attended the group meeting and supervised our students.
14 October, 2019
Call for papers: two special issues for Catalysts are still open for submission, high quality papers are highly welcome!
"Advancements in Environmental Catalysis - The 19th National Congress on Catalysis of China" for Catalysts,
"CO2 Capture and/or Its Transformation into Fuels or Valuable Chemicals" for Catalysts, https://www.mdpi.com/journal/catalysts/special_issues/CO2_Capture_Transformation
13-17 October 2019
Professor Qiang Wang and Professor Yanshan Gao together with Professor Angelos M Efstathiou attended the 19th National Congress on Catalysis of China in Chongqing, China 13-17 October 2019.
12-19 October 2019
Prof. Angelos M Efstathiou from the University of Cyprus visited our Laboratory for one week. During his stay, he gave a lecture in my research group and supervised my students. We also discussed the details about the writing of joint papers for a research work performed in Cyprus. Moreover, some more possible collaborations have been proposed for the near future.
1-7 October 2019
On the invitation by Professor Wha-Seung Ahn in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Professor Sang-Eon Park in the Department of Chemistry, Professor Qiang Wang visited Inha University, South Korea, and delivered two separate talks entitled “Recent advances in intermediate- and high-temperature CO2 capture materials” and “Layered double hydroxides derived low-temperature NH3-SCR catalysts with excellent activity and superior SO2/HCl resistance”. More collaborations were discussed between the groups.
25–28 September 2019
Professor Qiang Wang and group member Wanlin Gao attended the International Symposium on Environmental Science and Technology, Hangzhou, China, 25–28 September 2019. He worked as the steering committee member and organized the “CO2 capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)” session for this symposium. Professor Wang co-chaired the CCUS session and delivered one keynote talk entitled “Recent advances in intermediate- and high-temperature CO2 capture materials”. Wanlin also delivered one keynote talk entitled “Molten salts modified MgO adsorbents for intermediate CO2 capture”.
21-22 September 2019
Professor Qiang Wang attended the CCL conference series: Environmental Chemistry 2019 in Beijing, China, 21-22 September 2019, and delivered an invited talk entitled “Recent advances in intermediate- and high-temperature CO2 capture materials".
19-20 September 2019
Professor Qiang Wang attended the 3rd Symposium on Control Technologies of Flue Gas Ultra Low Emission of Iron and Steel Industries in Beijing, China, 19-20 September 2019. He organized the “CO2 capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)” session for this symposium. In addition, he co-chaired this session and delivered one invited talk entitled “Synthesis of highly stable high-temperature CO2 sorbent Li4SiO4 from vermiculite and zeolites”.
August 15-19, 2019
Professor Qiang Wang attended the 10th National Conference on Environmental Chemistry in Tianjin, China and delivered a poster presentation entitled "Layered double hydroxides derived Cu-based NH3-SCR catalysts".
June 24-August 9, 2019
Group members Cheng Zhang and Wanlin Gao visited Prof. Angelos M. Efstathiou’s research group in the University of Cyprus, Cyprus for 1.5 months, starting from June 24th, 2019 to August 9th, 2019. During their stay, they tested their materials with advanced techniques such as steady state isotopic transient kinetic analysis (SSITKA) and operando methodology. The collaboration between two research groups was significantly improved.
July 10, 2019
Dr. Xavier Bressaud, Attaché de coopération pour la Science et la Technologie and Dr. Marie-Laure Tarot, Chargée de mission from the Embassy of France in Beijing visited our lab. They provided more information for future China-France collaborations and joint projects. Professor Qiang Wang introduced the existing collaborations with Professor Anne-Cecile Roger and Dr. Benoit Louis from University of Strasbourg. Dr. Yu Lin, the deputy director of the International Relationship Office of Beijing Forestry University (BJFU), also attended this meeting and discussed the MoU between BJFU and University of Strasbourg.
July 5-12, 2019
The Editor-in-Chief of Journal of CO2 Utilization, Professor Sang-Eon Park from Inha University visited our lab for one week and discussed the potential collaborations on the topic of CO2 capture and Utilization (CCU). In addition, he taught a 16 h course entitled “Catalytic chemistry” to the undergraduate students of our College.
July 5-12, 2019
Professor Anne-Cecile Roger and Dr. Benoit Louis from the Institute of Chemistry and Processes for Energy, Environment and Health, University of Strasbourg, France visited our lab for one week. They delivered two invited talks entitled "Catalysis of CO2 hydrogenation in the context of energy transition" and "Biomass-assisted zeolite synthesis: how to learn from Nature". They also attended the group meetings and discussed with the group students. More importantly, future collaborations are discussed between two research groups.
2-5 July 2019
Group member Sining Chen attended the 8th International Conference on Environment, Energy and Biotechnology (ICEEB) from July 2nd to 5th, 2019 in Okinawa, Japan. She gave an oral presentation about “A novel highly active and sulfur resistant MnOx-based catalyst from layered double hydroxide for low temperature NH3-SCR”.
June 29-July 28, 2019
Under the support of Cai Yuanpei Grant, three students, Cristina Megias Sayago, Renata Avena Maia, Qianwen Zheng from Dr. Benoit Louis' research group in the Institute of Chemistry and Processes for Energy, Environment and Health, University of Strasbourg, France visited our lab as exchange students for one month (June 29-July 28). During their staying, they will test their materials for VOCs adsorption, CO2 capture and CO2 conversion. The collaborations between two groups were further strengthened.
July 2, 2019
Group members Liang Huang, Tuantuan Zhou, and Qinghua Yan have successfully passed their Ph.D defence, Yu Zhang has successfully passed her Master Dissertation defence, and Shijia Chong, Lan Tian, Zheyu Jin, and Wenqi Fan have successfully passed their Bachelor Dissertation defence. Congratulations to all of them.
June 23-28, 2019
Professor Qiang Wang and Assistant Professor Yanshan Gao attended the 17th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU 2019) in Aachen, Germany. Professor Wang delivered an oral presentation entitled “Recent advances in intermediate- and high-temperature CO2 capture materials”, Assistant Professor Gao delivered a poster presentation entitled “Scalable synthesis of a novel Li4SiO4-based high-temperature CO2 sorbent” and won the “Best Poster Award” (only 4 in total).
May 20, 2019
Dr Ksenia Parkhomenko from the Institute of Chemistry and Processes for Energy, Environment and Health, University of Strasbourg, France, and Dr Qian Jiang from Dlian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science visited our lab and delivered two invited talks entitled "Solutions for chemical storage of renewable energy: CO2 hydrogenation into methanol and DME" and "Enhancement of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis performance of cobalt catalyst by tuning metal-support interaction". In addition, potential collaborations are discussed between three research groups.
May 7, 2019
On the invitation by Professor Lidong Wang, Professor Qiang Wang gave an invited lecture entitled "Layered functional materials for environmental applications" in North China Electric Power University (Baoding) on 7 May, 2019.
April 18-19, 2019
Professor Qiang Wang attended the 23rd symposium on SO2, NOx, and PMs pollutants control in Tangshan, China during 18-19 April 2019. He worked as the session chair for the session of “Pollution Prevention and Control in Electric Power Industry” and delivered an invited talk entitled “Recent advances in inter-mediate and high-temperature CO2 capture materials”.
December 14-16, 2018
Professor Qiang Wang attended the Youth Academic Symposium on Pollution Control Chemistry in Shanghai, China during14-16 December 2018, and delivered an invited talk entitled “Layered functional materials for environmental applications”.
December 7, 2018
In the 2th National Agricultural and Forestry College Graduate Academic Science and Technology Competition, group member Dr. Qinghua Yan was awarded the first award. During the competition, she shared his work entitled “Synthesis and catalytic properties of a novel catalytic material as low temperature selective catalytic reduction NOx”. Big congratulations to her.
December 6, 2018
Professor Dermot O'Hare from University of Oxford, UK visited out lab and delivered one talk entitled “Hydrodeoxygenation of Bio-oil to Alkanes” to all the graduate students in our College.
December 3, 2018
Under the support by the International collaboration project funded by Inha University, Ph.D candidate Ms. Siqian Zhang from Wha-Seung Ahn's research group in the Inha University, South Korea visited our lab as exchange students for one month (December 1, 2018 to January 1, 2019). During her staying, she will test her catalysts for SCR and learn the synthesis skill of LDHs.
November 25-27, 2018
Professor Qiang Wang attended the 4th IWA Conference of Science Summit on Urban Water in Harbin, China during 25-27 November 2018, and delivered a keynote talk entitled “Novel Na2Mo4O13/α-MoO3 hybrid material as highly efficient CWAO catalyst for dye degradation at ambient conditions”.
November 2-4, 2018
Professor Qiang Wang attended the 24th National Conference on Atmospheric Environmental Science and Technology in Qingdao, China during 2-4 November 2018, and delivered an oral talk entitled “Layered double hydroxides derived Cu-based NH3-SCR catalysts”.
October 10, 2018
Group member Qinghua Yan was awarded the “Chancellor’s Scholarship” of Beijing Forestry University (50,000 RMB in cash, only 9 awardee in the whole university) for her excellence in research performance. Group member Wanlin Gao was awarded the “National Scholarship” due to their excellent performance in both study and research (20,000 RMB for Master student). Group member Yu Zhang and Wanlin Gao were awarded the "Outstanding Graduates". Six group members including Renna Li, Yu Zhang, Qinghua Yan, Sining Chen, Tuantuan Zhou and Wanlin Gao were awarded the “Academic Innovation award”. Group member Qinghua Yan was awarded the “Academic Star of Beijing Forestry University”. In the meantime, Professor Qiang Wang was awarded the “Excellent Supervisor of the Academic Star of Beijing Forestry University”. In the 11th Graduate Academic Forum of College of Environmental Science and Engineering of Beijing Forestry University, Qinghua Yan was awarded the first award, Wanlin Gao was awarded the second award and group member Rongrong Gui and Yu Zhang were awarded the “Sound Elite Scholarship” sponsored by Sound Group. Congratulations to all of them.
September 27, 2018
Professor Qiang Wang attended the 10th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis & the 3rd International Symposium on Catalytic Science and Technology in Sustainable Energy and Environment (ICEC&EECAT2018) which was held in Tianjin during 22-26th September 2018. He delivered an talk entitled "Recent advances in pre-combustion CO2 capture materials" and co-chaired the session of "Catalysis in Renewable Energy and Materials".
September 16, 2018
Under the support of Cai Yuanpei Grant, Post-doc Dr. Cristina and Ph.D candidate Ms. Rogeria from Dr. Benoit Louis' research group in the University of Strasbourg, France visited our lab as exchange students for one month (September 16 to October 16). During their staying, they will test their zeolites for VOCs adsorption. The collaborations between two group were further strengthened.
September 13-20, 2018
Professor Wha-Seung Ahn (Editor of Applied Catalysis A: General) from Inha University, South Korea visited out lab for one week. He delivered one talk entitled “Recycle of power plant ashes for CO2 capture and rare earth metal ions adsorption” to our group members and one more talk entitled “Porous materials for catalysis and sustainability” to all the graduate students in our College. Through this visit, potential collaborations have been established. A very successful visit, thanks a lot Prof. Ahn!
September 10-23, 2018
Professor Angelos M Efstathiou (Editor of Catalysis Communications) from University of Cyprus visited our lab for two weeks. He delivered two talks entitled “DeNOx Catalysis Studied by Transient Isotopic Techniques” and “Fundamental Understanding of the Effects of Cobalt Particle Size and Synthesis Method of Supported Co for the Methanation Reaction via Transient Isotopic and In Situ DRIFTS Techniques” to the group members. And he also delivered one talk entitled “Environmental Functional Catalytic Materials: Design and Development Using Transient Techniques and Operando Methodologies” to all the graduate students in our College. Through this visit, a few possible collaborations have been established. A very successful visit, thanks a lot Angelos!
September 16-17, 2018
The Second Symposium on Flue Gas Emission Control from Steel Industry will be held in Xijiao Hotel during September 16-17, 2018 in Beijing, China. During the Symposium, Professor Qiang Wang will chair the session of “CO2 emission control from Steel Industry” and deliver an invited talk “Recent Advances in Inter-mediate and High Temperature CO2 Capture Materials”.
August 31-September 10, 2018
Professor Heriberto Pfeiffer from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico visited our lab and discussed the joint research on CO2 capture materials. In addition, he taught a 16 h course entitled “Fundamental Chemistry” to the undergraduate students of our College.
August 27-31, 2018
Dr. Benoit Louis from University of Strasbourg, France visited our lab and discussed the research progress of our joint research project supported by Cai Yuanpei Grant. In addition, he taught a 16 h course entitled “Industrial Chemistry” to the undergraduate students of our College.
August 10-17, 2018
On the invitation by Professor Heriberto Pfeiffer (http://www.iim.unam.mx/heriberto/), Professor Qiang Wang visited the Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico for one week. He delivered an invited talk entitled "Recent Advances in Inter-mediate and High Temperature CO2 Capture Materials" to the researchers and students there. In addition, he attended Professor Heriberto Pfeiffer’s group meeting and discussed with the group members on several research topics. He also talked with several other Professors in Mexico and discussed the possible collaborations in future.
August 15, 2018
The two books《Pre-combustion Carbon Dioxide Capture Materials》and《Post-combustion Carbon Dioxide Capture Materials》edited by Professor Qiang Wang have been successfully published by the RSC publisher. The print versions will be ready very soon, and the pre-orders can be placed via the following links. These two are wonderful books for advanced under-graduates, post-graduates, and researchers who are interested in CO2 capture materials.
July 2, 2018
Group member Zhang Zhang has successfully passed his Ph.D defence, Lei Qiu, Qianwen Zheng, Yuhan Cui, and Qingqing Qin have successfully passed their Master Dissertation defence, and Rongrong Gui and Yuan Liu have successfully passed their Bachelor Dissertation defence. Congratulations to all of them.
May 31, 2017
We are so delighted that our paper "Synthesis of layered double hydroxides/graphene oxide nanocomposite as novel high-temperature CO2 adsorbent, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 24 (2015) 127-137" was presented the "2016 best paper award" by Journal of Energy Chemistry. Congratulations to all the contributors.
May 22-23, 2017
Group member Zhang Zhang attended the South East Asia Catalysis Conference in Nangyang Technological University, Singapore, which was held on May 22-23, 2017. A poster presentation entitled “Stable and atomically dispersed platinum catalyst for reactions under drastic conditions” was delivered.
May 7, 2017
Professor Qiang Wang was invited to join the Advanced Materials Congress committee, more information can be found here: www.vbripress.com/eamc/pages/committee
April 22, 2017
Professor Qiang Wang delivered an invited talk entitled "Design of highly efficient NOx storage and reduction catalysts from layered double hydroxides for NOx emission control from naphtha cracker flue gases" for celeberating Professor Dermot O'Hare's Tilden Prize awarded by the RSC.
April 14, 2017
Professor Qiang Wang delivered an invited talk entitled "Layered environmental functional nanomaterials" in the Faculty of Science, Beijing University of Chemical Technology on 14 April 2017.
April 13, 2017
Professor Qiang Wang delivered an invited talk entitled "Recent advances in pre-combutsion CO2 capture materials" in the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tianjin University on 13 April 2017.
February 24, 2017
Professor Qiang Wang delivered an invited talk entitled "Recent advances in pre-combutsion CO2 capture materials" in the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University on 24 Feburary 2017.
February 13, 2017
Professor Qiang Wang is appointed as the Young Scientist Committee member of Journal of Energy Chemistry(https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-energy-chemistry/), congratulations to him.
December 13, 2016
Call for papers:
Together with Dr. Benoit Louis from University of Strasbourg, France and Professor Marcelo Maciel Pereira from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, we are organizing a special issue "C1 Chemistry—C1-Platform Chemicals as Cornerstone for a Sustainable Energy" for Catalysts. Nice papers related to this topic are welcome for submission. The details of this special issue can be found here: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/catalysts/special_issues/C1_platform
December 6-11, 2016
Dr. Benoit Louis from University of Strasbourg visited our lab for one week during December 6-11, 2016. During his staying, he delivered a very successful four-hour lecture "heterogeneous catalysis" to graduate students and attended our group meetings. In addition, more collaboration projects related to CO2 capture and utilization were discussed. Very successful visit, thanks a lot, Benoit.
November 27, 2016
Group member Dr. Peng Lu and Mr. Tuantuan Zhou were awarded the "National Scholarship" due to their excellent performance in both study and research (30,000 RMB for Ph. D and 20,000 RMB for Master student). Seven group members Peng Lu, Tuantuan Zhou, Qinghua Yan and Qianwen Zheng were awarded the "Academic Innovation award", two group members Peng Lu and Qianwen Zheng were awarded the "Outstanding Graduates", and three group members Peng Lu, Tuantuan Zhou, and Qianwen Zheng were awarded the "Excellent Graduate Cadres" by Beijing Forestry University. In the 5th Graduate Academic Forum of Beijing Forestry University, Group members Ms. Qianwen Zheng was awarded the third award, Mr. Peng Lu and Tuantuan Zhou were awarded the excellent award. Big congratulations to all of them.
November 18-20, 2016
Professor Qiang Wang and group members Qianwen Zheng and Yu Zhang attended the 3rd Asian Clay Conference during November 18-20, 2016 in Guangzhou, China. During the conference, Professor Qiang Wang delivered an invited talk entitled "Layered double hydroxides derived adsorbents for intermediate-temperature CO2 capture", Qianwen delivered an oral presentation entitled "Unexpected highly reversible topotactic CO2 sorption/desorption capacity for potassium dititanate", and Yu delivered a poster presentation entitled "High-temperature CO2 adsorbents from organo-layered double hydroxides with markedly improved CO2 capture capacity".
November 10, 2016
Group member Peng Lu was awarded the 2017 year "National Excellent Graduates in Forestry Discipline" due to his excellent performance in both study and research (only 50 awardee in the whole forestry category universities of China). Congratulations to him. The details can be found here:
November 4-7, 2016
Group members Tuantuan Zhou, Tianshan Xue, Yu Nie, and Qinghua Yan attended the 10th National Conference on Environmental Catalysis and materials (10th NCECM 2016) during November 4-7, 2016 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. During the conference, they shared their works and delivered three poster presentations entitled “Morphology and chemical composition dependent synthesis and electrochemical properties of MnO2-based nanostructures for efficient hydrazine detection”, “Preparation and characterization of CuMnFe LDHs derived catalysts for total oxidation of toluene”, and “The study on a novel Cu-based SCR catalyst: synthesis and characterization”, respectively.
November 4, 2016
Group member Yanshan Gao attended the International PharmTech Conference 2016 organised by EPRSC EHDA Network in Leicester, UK on 4 November, 2016. A poster presentation entitled “Electrospun PCL nanofibers loaded with inorganic nanocomposites as sustained release drug delivery systems” was delivered during the conference.
Octorber 19, 2016
On the invitation by Dr Tierui Zhang and Dr Yufei Zhao, Professor Qiang Wang gave an invited lecture entitled "Recent Advances in Pre-combustion CO2 Capture Materials" in Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS on 19th October, 2016.
Octorber 15, 2016
Dr Yongming Ju from South China Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Environmental Protection visited our lab and potential collaborations between two groups have been extensively discussed.
Octorber 1, 2016
Group member Zhang Zhang is funded by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and will study in Professor Ning Yan’s group at the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore as a visiting PhD student for 18 months, starting from October 2016 to March 2018. The project that she will work on is “Development of single-atom catalyst using LDH materials as the support”. Congratulations to her.
September 19, 2016
The editor in chief of the journal Science of Advanced Materials, Professor Ahmad Umar visited our lab on 19th September, 2016. Our collaboration on the development of highly efficient mixed oxides based chemical sensors was intensively discussed.
September 15, 2016
During 15th August to 15th September, 2016, Professor Qiang Wang worked in the Institute of Chemistry, University of Strasbourg, France as guest professor for one month. He delivered four talks/classes entitled "Recent advances in solid sorbents for pre-combustion CO2 Capture", "Unexpected highly reversible topotactic CO2 sorption/desorption capacity for potassium dititanate", "Novel M2Mo4O13/α-MoO3(M=Li+, Na+, K+) hybrid materials as highly efficient catalyst for the catalytic wet air oxidation of dyes at ambient conditions", and "Novel synthesis of flame-retardant polymer/inorgano-LDH nanocomposites via solvent mixing method" to the researchers and students there. In addition, he also visited Professor Benoit Louis and Professor Anne-Cecile Roger's labs and discussed possible collaborations in CO2 capture and utilization fields.
August 25, 2016
Group member Peng Lu attended the 5th IWA Regional Conference on Membrane Technology (IWA-RMTC 2016) during August 22-24, 2016 in Kunming, Yunan Province, China. During the conference, he shared his work and delivered a poster presentation entitled “Thin film nanocomposite forward osmosis membranes based on layered double hydroxide nanoparticles blended substrates”.
July 20, 2016
Professor Qiang Wang was awarded the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, big congratulations to him.
July 8, 2016
Group members Junya Wang has successfully passed her Ph.D defence, Ruoyan Yang, Yaqian Qiao, and Qianjiang Yan have successfully passed their Master Dissertation defence, and Yirong Pan, Cheng Zhang, Wenjie Li have successfully passed their Bachelor Dissertation defence. Cheng Zhang received the Excellent Bachelor Dissertation award granted by Beijing Forestry Univesity. Congratulations to all of them.
June 11, 2016
Group member Liang Huang attended the 8th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology 2016 (IC EST 2016) during June 6-10, 2016 in Houston, Texas, USA. During the conference, he shared his work and delivered an oral presentation entitled “Synthesis of LiAl2-layered Double Hydroxides for CO2 Capture over a Wide Temperature Range”.
June 1, 2016
Group member Yanshan Gao has been awarded the PhD Placement Programme under the UK-China Research and Innovation Partnership Fund (known in UK as the Newton Fund) and will study Dr. Gareth Williams’s group at University College London as a joint PhD student for 1 year from June 2016 to May 2017. Congratulations to her.
May 27, 2016
Group member Xueyi Mei attended the 13th Symposium of Environmental Protection and Nanotechnology held in National Taiwan University, Taiwan. During the symposium, she shared her work and delivered an oral presentation entitled “Synthesis of Mg3-xCaxAl1–CO3 layered double hydroxides as alkaline solid catalyst for transesterification of soybean oil to biodiesel”.
May 23-25, 2016
Group member Zhang Zhang attended the 5th International Conference on Environment, Energy and Biotechnology (ICEEB 2016) during May 23-25, 2016 in Jeju Island, South Korea. During the conference, she shared her work and delivered an oral presentation entitled “Novel Na2Mo4O13/α-MoO3 hybrid material as highly efficient CWAO catalyst for dye degradation at ambient conditions”. And her paper has been selected as one of the most excellent papers. Congratulations to her!
April 24, 2016
Group members Peng Lu and Cheng Zhang attended the 3th JINMO Forum, “International Conference of Environmental Pollution Control in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei” and the exhibition on April 24, 2016 in Tianjin, China.
January 18, 2016
Under the support of the International Exchange Program by Beijing Forestry University, group member Xueyi Mei will study as a visiting student in Professor Chin-Jung Lin's research group in National Ilan University, Taiwan for 5 months from February to June 2016. Congratulations to her.
December 12, 2015
Professor Qiang Wang attended the 10th Youth Academic Annual Meeting of Xinjiang in Shihezi University, Shihezi city, Xinjiang Province, P. R. China, and delivered an invited talk "Recent Advances in Intermediate and High-temperature CO2 Capture Materials".
December 7, 2015
Seven group members Junya Wang, Peng Lu, Liang Huang, Ruoyan Yang, Tuantuan Zhou, Xueyi Mei, and Yaqian Qiao were awarded the "Academic Innovation award", three group members Yanshan Gao, Tuantuan Zhou, and Xueyi Mei were awarded the "Outstanding Graduates", and three group members Peng Lu, Tuantuan Zhou, and Xueyi Mei were awarded the "Excellent Graduate Cadres" by Beijing Forestry University. Congratulations to all of them.
December 6, 2015
Group member Ms. Xueyi Mei was awarded the "National Scholarship" due to her excellent performance in both study and research (20,000 RMB for Master student). Big congratulations to her.
December 5, 2015
Group member Dr. Junya Wang was awarded the second batch "Chancellor's Scholarship” of Beijing Forestry University (50,000 RMB in cash, only 10 awardee in the whole university) for her excellence in research performance. Big congratulations to her.
November 24-30, 2015
Dr. Benoît Louis from University of Strasbourg visited our lab for one week under the support of 2015 Xu Guangqi Programme. Dr. Louis delivered an excellent talk entitled "Zeolites: stone of wisdom for catalysis" to all the department students. He also attended our group meeting and discussed with some graduate students. Potential collaborations between two groups have been extensively discussed.
Octorber 25-29, 2015
Group member Junya Wang attended the 14th IUMRS-ICAM Conference during October 25-29, 2015 in Jeju island, Korea. During the conference, she shared her work and delivered an oral presentation entitled "Synthesis of layered double hydroxides/graphene oxide nanocomposites as novel high-temperature CO2 adsorbent".
September 25, 2015
Group member Zhang Zhang attended the 6th IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition during September 20-24, 2015 in Beijing, China. A poster presentation entitled “Novel Na2Mo4O13/α-MoO3 hybrid material as highly efficient CWAO catalyst for dye degradation at ambient conditions” was delivered.
September 19, 2015
Group member Tuantuan Zhou took part in the 8th National Conference of Undergraduate on Innovation and Entrepreneurship held in Harbin Institute of Technology, P. R. China. During the conference, he shared his work and delivered a talk entitled "Microwave assisted photocatalysis degradation of high concentration active black".
July 31, 2015
Group member Yanshan Gao has received the "Research Mobility Grants" awarded by the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, and will study in Professor Gareth Williams' research group in University College London, UK for 3 months from October 2015 to January 2016. Congratulations to her.
July 8, 2015
Group member Liang Huang and Zhang Zhang have successfully passed their Master Dissertation defence, and Qianwen Zheng, Lei Qiu, and Yili Zhang have successfully passed their Bachelor Dissertation defence. Qianwen Zheng received theExcellent Bachelor Dissertation award granted by Beijing Forestry Univesity. Congratulations to all of them.
June 28-July 3, 2015
Professor Qiang Wang and three graduate students Junya Wang, Ruoyan Yang, and Zhang Zhang attended the ICMAT 2015 & IUMRS-ICA 2015 held on June 28-July 3ICI, 2015 in Singapore. One invited talk entitled "Novel Na2Mo4O13/α-MoO3 (M=Li+, Na+, K+) hybrid materials as highly efficient catalyst for the catalytic wet air oxidation of dyes at ambient conditions", one oral presentation entitled "Synthesis of layered double hydroxides/graphene oxide nanocomposites as novel high-temperature CO2 adsorbent", and one poster presentation entitled "Synthesis and characterization of Co-K/KxTi2O5 as novel NOx storage and reduction catalyst" were delivered in during the conference.
May 31-June 4, 2015
Professor Qiang Wang attended the 18th International Symposium on intercalation compounds held on May 31-June 4, 2015 in Strasburge, France, and delivered two poster presentations entitled "Synthesis of LiAl2-layered double hydroxides for CO2 capture over a wide temperature range" and "A simple and reliable method for determining the delamination degree of nitrate and glycine intercalated LDHs in formamide".
May 29-30, 2015
Professor Qiang Wang attended the Oxford-SCG Centre of Excellence LDH Workshop held in University of Oxford, UK, and delieved an invited talk entitled "Layered double hydroxides derived adsorbents for high-temperature CO2 capture".
April 24, 2015
Professor Qiang Wang and Dr. Benoît Louis from University of Strasbourg were awarded the 2015 Xu Guangqi Programme(PHC Xu Quangqi 2015, project code: 34385UM), congratulation to them. With this grant, two sides will visit each other and collaborate on the "Preparation of hierarchical porous materials for catalysis" together.
November 21, 2014
In the 3rd Graduate Academic Forum of Beijing Forestry University, Group members Dr. Junya Wang and Ms. Zhang Zhang were awarded the first award (only 3 awardee), Mr. Liang Huang was awarded the second award, and Dr. Yanshan Gao was awarded the excellent award. Big congratulations to all of them.
November 20, 2014
Group member Dr. Junya Wang was awarded the 7th batch "Academic Star of Beijing Forestry University" (only 10 awardee in the whole University) due to her outstanding research achievement. In the meantime, Professor Qiang Wang was awarded the "Excellent Supervisor of the Academic Star of Beijing Forestry University". Congratulations to them.
November 10, 2014
Group members Dr. Junya Wang and Mr. Liang Huang were awarded the "Outstanding Graduates" by Beijing Forestry University. Congratulations to all of them.
November 7, 2014
Four group members including Dr. Yanshan Gao, Dr. Junya Wang, Ms. Ruoyan Yang, and Ms. Zhang Zhang were awarded the"Academic Innovation award" of Beijing Forestry University. Congratulations to all of them.
November 6, 2014
Four group members including Dr. Junya Wang, Ms. Zhang Zhang, Ms. Ruoyan Yang, Mr. Liang Huang were awarded the"National Scholarship" due to their excellent performance in both study and research (30,000 RMB for Ph.D and 20,000 RMB for Master students). Big congratulations to all of them.
November 5, 2014
Group member Dr. Yanshan Gao was awarded the first batch "Chancellor's Scholarship” of Beijing Forestry University (50,000 RMB in cash, only 9 awardee in the whole university) for her excellence in research performance. Big congratulations to her.
November 2, 2014
Professor Gareth Williams from University College London visited out lab and delivered an excellent talk entitled "Electrospun nanofibers for biomedical applications" to all the department students.
October 14, 2014
Professor Xiaoyong Wang from Kangwon National University, South Korea visited out lab, and potential collaborations between two groups have been extensively discussed.
October 5-8, 2014
Professor Qiang Wang attended the International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation (CLEAR 2014), which was held in Chuncheon, South Korea. A poster presentation entitled "Adsorption of acid red from dye wastewater by Zn2Al-NO3 LDHs and the resource of adsorbent sludge as nanofiller for polypropylene" was delivered.
October 8, 2014
A research article entitled "Novel Na2Mo4O13/α-MoO3 hybrid material as highly efficient CWAO catalyst for dye degradation at ambient conditions" is now accepted for publication in Scientific Reports. Congratulations to all contributors.
September 13-19, 2014
Dr. Benoît Louis from University of Strasbourg visited our lab for one week during September 13-19, 2014. Dr. Louis delivered an excellent talk entitled "Zeolites: The Chimaera of Catalysis" to all the department students. Potential collaborations between two groups have been extensively discussed.
August 26, 2014
Professor Qiang Wang is awarded the 7th Batch "Beijing Excellent Young Scholars" by the Organization Department of Beijing Municipal Party Committee (< 60 awardee per batch, one batch every 3 years). Congratulations to him. The details can be found here: http://www.bjdj.gov.cn/news/201481/n35699623.html
August 14-16, 2014
Professor Qiang Wang and eight group members attended the 4th International Symposium on Aqua Science, Resources and Environment (ISASWR2014) in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. Professor Wang chaired two sessions and delivered an invited talk entitled "recent advances in intermediate and high-temperature CO2 capture materials". Two oral presentations entitled "synthesis of highly efficient flame retardant HDPE nanocomposites with inorgano-LDH as nanofiller using solvent mixing method" by Yanshan Gao, and "synthesis of high-temperature CO2 adsorbents from organo-layered double hydroxides with markedly improved CO2 capture capacity" by Liang Huang, and three poster presentations entitled "the influence of synthesis method on the CO2 adsorption capacity of Mg3Al-CO3 hydrotalcite-derived adsorbents" by Junya Wang, "adsorption of acid red from dye wastewater by Zn2Al-NO3 LDHs and the resource of adsorbent sludge as nanofiller for polypropylene" by Zhang Zhang, and "synthesis and characterization of Co–K/KxTi2O5 as novel NOx storage and reduction catalyst" by Ruoyan Yang were also delivered. Both Zhang Zhang and Ruoyan Yang won the excellent poster presentation awards, congratulations to them.
August 6, 2014
An invited review paper entitled "Recent Advances in Solid Sorbents for CO2 Capture and New Development Trends" is now accepted for publication in Energy and Environmental Science. Congratulations to all contributors.
June 26, 2014
Group member Miss Yanshan Gao has successfully passed her Master Dissertation defence, and received the Excellent Master Dissertation award granted by Beijing Forestry Univesity. Qianjiang Yan, Yaqian Qiao, Tianshan Xue, Xueyi Mei, Jingwen Wu have successfully passed their Bachelor Dissertation defence. And Miss Xueyi Mei was awarded the Outstanding Graduates of Universities in Beijing. Congratulations to all of them.
June 17-19, 2014
Professor Qiang Wang attended the 3rd International Symposium on Flame-Retardant Materials & Technologies (ISFRMT2014), which was held in Hefei, China, and delivered a talk entitled "Novel synthesis of flame-retardant polymer/inorgano-LDH nanocomposites via solvent mixing method".
June 12, 2014
Professor Qiang Wang and colleagues visited Professor Zhanhu Guo's laboratory and Professor Thomas Ho in the Dan F. Smith Department of Chemical Engineering, Lamar University, Texas, USA.
June 9-13, 2014
Professor Qiang Wang and group memeber Yanshan Gao attended the Seventh International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, which was held in Houston, USA. Two talks entitled "high-temperature CO2 adsorbents from orgnao-layered double hydroxides with markedly improved CO2 capture capacity" and "Synthesis of polymer/LDH nanocomposites using a solvent mixing method: thermal and melt rheological properties" were delivered. The poster prepared by Junya Wang won the "1st place poster award" (only 2 awardees). The details can be seen here: http://www.aasci.org/conference/env/2014/awardlist2014.html
April 25, 2014
Professor Dermot O'Hare from University of Oxford, Dr Butra Boonliang (LDH Program Manager) and Miss Aunchana Wangriya (Researcher) from SCG Chemicals, Thailand, visited our lab on April 25, 2014. Professor Dermot O'Hare delivered an excellent talk entitled "Chemistry and a Sustainable Global Society" to all the department students.
January 10, 2014
Professor Qiang Wang is awarded the first batch of the "Excellent young scholars in the sepcial technology of national environmental protection" by the Misnistry of Environmental Protection of P. R. China. Congratulations to him.
The details can be found here: http://rss.mep.gov.cn/rlzy/rcpy/201312/t20131227_265753.htm
December 07, 2013
Group member Miss Yanshan Gao (Master student candidate) was awarded the "National scholarship" (20,000 RMB in cash) and 6th batch"Academic Star of Beijing Forestry University" due to her outstanding research achievement. In the meantime, Professor Qiang Wang was awarded the "Excellent Supervisor of the Academic Star of Beijing Forestry University". Congratulations to them.
November 06, 2013
Professor Qiang Wang is awarded the fifth batch "1000 talents plan for young scholars" by the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee. Congratulations to him.
October 14, 2013
Professor Qiang Wang gave an invited lecture entitled “Layered Double Hydroxides (LDHs): Synthesis and Potential Applications" in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University on October 14, 2013.
August 30, 2013
Professor Qiang Wang is granted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Youth). Congratulations to him.
August 15, 2013
Professor Norbert Stribeck from University of Hamburg, Germany and his wife Mrs Marie-Luise Brenning-Stribeck visited our lab on August 15, 2013, and Professor Stribeck gave an excellent talk entitled "Monitoring of Structure Evolution in Polymers by Scattering from Synchrotron Light Sources".
August 6, 2013
Call for papers: We are organizing a special issue "layered materials for energy and environmental applications" for the journal Energy and Environment Focus. We sincerely invite researchers from various fields to submited your original research articles, communications, reviews, and mini-reviews to the guest editors. More details can be found here:http://www.aspbs.com/efocus/lme.pdf
July 6, 2013
Professor Qiang Wang is awarded New Star Program of Science and Technology supported by Beijing Metropolis (Beijing Nova Programme). Congratulations to him.
May 12-16, 2013
Professor Wang attented the 17th International Symposium on Intercalation Compounds held on May 12-16, 2013, Sendai, Japan, and gave a talk entitled "synthesis of high-temperature CO2 adsorbents from organic anions intercalated layered double hydroxides (LDHs) with markedly improved CO2 capture capacity".
April 12, 2013
Professor Dermot O'Hare (University of Oxford), Professor Gareth R Williams (University College London), and Dr Butra Boonliang (Siam Cement Group, Thailand) visited our lab on April 12, 2013. Professor Dermot O'Hare gave an excellent talk entitled "the applications of layered double hydroxides in biology" to all the department students.
February 24, 2013
Professor Qiang Wang is awarded the Distinguished Young Scholars of Beijing Forestry University. Congratulations to him.
December 11, 2012
Professor Zhanhu Guo from Lamar University visited our lab on December 11, 2012 and gave an excellent talk entitled "sustainable utilization of polymer nanocomposites toward environmental remediation" to all the department students.
December 10, 2012
Professor Luyi Sun from Texas State University–San Marcos visited our lab on December 10, 2012 and gave an excellent talk entitled "methane hydrates with a high capacity and high formation rate promoted by biosurfactants" to all the department
Setemper 6, 2012
Professor Qiang Wang is awarded the New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET) by the Chinese Ministry of Education. Congratulations to him.