郭冠华副教授在JCR Q1期刊《Landscape and Urban Planning》上发表题为“Impacts of urban biophysical composition on land surface temperature in urban heat island clusters”的文章,通过引入了一种创新的集成方法,将面向对象的图像分割与空间自相关的局部指标 (LISA) 相结合,从LST 图像中提取UHI簇,所建立回归树模型能够有效地检测LST与生物物理成分之间的非线性关系。该研究结果有助于更全面的理解城市景观配置与热环境的关系,可为缓解城市热岛效应提供支持。
张棋斐博士生在JCR Q1期刊《Science of The Total Environment》上发表题为“Explicit the urban waterlogging spatial variation and its driving factors: The stepwise cluster analysis model and hierarchical partitioning analysis approach”的文章,提出了一种在通用框架内结合逐步聚类分析模型(SCAM)和层次划分分析(HPA)的新方法,并通过逻辑回归、人工神经网络和支持向量机验证其适用性。该研究本有望为SCAM和HPA在城市内涝模拟与评估中的进一步应用提供有益信息,为内涝风险防范带来启示。
郑子豪博士在JCR Q1期刊《Global Environmental Change》上发表题为“Africa's protected areas are brightening at night: A long-term light pollution monitor based on nighttime light imagery”的文章,使用统一的多传感器NTL数据对非洲保护区的光污染进行了长期(1992-2018)的监测和评估,并探讨了人类活动强度对保护区内光污染的最大作用距离。该研究为理解保护区内的光污染模式提供了新的方法,对未来的保护区规划具有重要参考价值。
- Guo, G., Wu, Z., Xiao, R., Chen, Y., Liu, X., & Zhang, X. (2015). Impacts of urban biophysical composition on land surface temperature in urban heat island clusters. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2015,135:1-10.
- Guo, G., Wu, Z., & Chen, Y. Evaluation of spatially heterogeneous driving forces of the urban heat environment based on a regression tree model.Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020,54.
- Zhang, Q., Wu, Z., Guo, G., Zhang, H., & Tarolli, P.. Explicit the urban waterlogging spatial variation and its driving factors: The stepwise cluster analysis model and hierarchical partitioning analysis approach. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 763:143041.
- Zhang, Q., Wu, Z., & Tarolli, P.. Investigating the Role of Green Infrastructure on Urban WaterLogging: Evidence from Metropolitan Coastal Cities. Remote Sensing, 2020,13(12):2341.
- Zheng, Z., Wu, Z., Chen, Y., Guo, G., Cao, Z., Yang, Z., & Marinello, F.. Africa's protected areas are brightening at night: A long-term light pollution monitor based on nighttime light imagery. Global Environmental Change, 2021,69:102318.
- Zheng, Z., Wu, Z., Chen, Y., Guo, C., & Marinello, F. Instability of remote sensing based ecological index (RSEI) and its improvement for time series analysis. Science of The Total Environment, 2022,814:152595.
- 一种城市热岛范围的提取方法及装置(ZL201810056935.X),发明专利